Monday, May 19, 2008

Get a Room...

If you plan on tipping 'em back like this guy...

...or if you and your schmoopie would just like to enjoy a night away from the kids, plan on booking a room for after the reunion at the inn at Montgomery Bell.

They are currently reserving a block of rooms for members of the class of '98. The group rate is $78 (be sure to mention that you're with the reunion to get the discount).

Call (615) 797-3101 to book a room today.

Rooms must be reserved before June 15, 2008. After that, they will open all remaining reserved rooms to the public, and since August is a popular month for the park, it is unlikely that rooms will be available last-minute.

Book today to make sure your reunion celebration goes all night long!

*No animals were harmed in the creation of this post.

You Oughtta Be in Pictures...

We want YOU ... to send us photos. Throughout the reunion, we'll be flashing pictures (like the artistic image shown above) of the good ol' days at DCHS. So send us your pictures -- no, not your embarassing 11th-grade school picture taken by the pirate photographer at Freeman's with the white poofy sleeves -- but any candid snapshots of you and your friends from high school: goofing off, going to prom, playing sports, dressing up for random basketball week contests, etc. Remember: the more pictures we have, the more people we can point and laugh at.

Please send COPIES of your pictures, as we cannot promise you that we'll be able to get the originals back to you. Mail them to:

Dickson Class of 1998
c/o Drason Beasley
1032 Persimmon Drive
Spring Hill, TN 37174

If you happen to have digital files (though we can't imagine who would've used digital back in 1998), you can send those as .jpeg files to

Can't wait to see how everyone has changed!

Show Us the Money!

That's right, people, cough it up... before summer gas prices give you a reason to back out.

We're now officially selling tickets to the TEN-YEAR REUNION on August 2nd, 2008. Tickets will be $30 per person if you purchase in advance (see below), $35 per person if you pay at the door.

That's right ... paying in advance will save you five bucks -- which will buy you a whopping
one gallon of gasoline. Or 5 Wendy's Jr. Bacon Cheeseburgers. Your choice.

To get in on this sweet deal, make your checks payable to Dickson Class of 1998 and mail them to:

Dickson Class of 1998
c/o Drason Beasley
1032 Persimmon Drive
Spring Hill, TN 37174

Remember the Good Ol' Days?

Well, it's time to relive them ... minus the goofy hats.

We're working hard to plan the kind of reunion party where even
this guy could cut loose and have a good time. Here are the details so far:

Date: August 2, 2008
Place: Montgomery Bell State Park
Time: 6:30 pm - 11:00 p.m.

We'll serve heavy hors d'oeuvres (that's "appetizers" for you Vanleer folk) and have a cash bar for those of you who enjoy adult beverages. There will be music, mingling, and lots of embarassing old photos. Mark your calendars today!

Wednesday, May 14, 2008

Welcome to the Class of 1998 Reunion Website!

It's hard to believe, but a decade has passed since we walked down the hill as high school graduates. Some have scattered across the country -- some just across the county. Either way, the Class of 1998 Reunion will be a great opportunity to catch up with friends you have lost touch with since high school.

Saturday, August 2, 2008

Montgomery Bell State Park

Spread the word ... and check this site regularly for updates.

Your Class Officers:
Drason Beasley
Keli (Woodard) Weed
Brandi Irwin
Amanda (Graham) Pyle